
1. Introduction

1.1. What is C++?

  • C++ is a high-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup.
  • It is an extension of the C language with added object-oriented (OOP) features.
  • General-purpose, performance-oriented, and allows for low-level programming.
  • Open source with a broad range of applications.

1.2. Applications of C++

  • System Software: Operating systems, compilers.
  • Game Development: Unreal Engine.
  • Desktop Applications: GUI applications.
  • Embedded Systems: Hardware control.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Computing: Performance-critical applications.

2. Installing and Setting Up C++

2.1. Downloading and Installing C++

2.2. C++ IDEs and Editors

  • Visual Studio: A powerful IDE, especially for Windows.
  • CLion: A professional IDE from JetBrains.
  • Code::Blocks: A lightweight and open-source IDE.
  • Visual Studio Code: A versatile editor with extensive extensions.

3. C++ Basics

3.1. C++ Syntax and Basic Structures

  • Variables and Data Types: int, float, double, char, bool, string.
  • Operators: Arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise operators.
  • Comments: Single-line and multi-line comments.

3.2. Control Flow

  • Conditional Statements: if, else if, else, switch
  • Loops: for, while, do-while
  • Loop Control: break, continue, return

3.3. Functions

  • Function Definition and Calling
  • Parameters and Return Values
  • Function Overloading
  • Function Templates

4. Data Structures

4.1. Arrays

  • Creation, access, multi-dimensional arrays.
  • Array Operations: sizeof, iterating with for loop.

4.2. Structures and Unions

  • Structures: struct
  • Unions: union

4.3. Classes and Objects

  • Class Definition: Attributes and methods.
  • Object Creation and Usage
  • Encapsulation

5. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

5.1. Inheritance

  • Base and Derived Classes: public, protected, private
  • Inheritance Examples

5.2. Polymorphism

  • Function Polymorphism: Virtual functions and override.
  • Operator Polymorphism

5.3. Abstraction and Encapsulation

  • Abstract Classes and Interfaces: abstract class, pure virtual functions.

6. Memory Management

6.1. Dynamic Memory Management

  • new and delete Operators
  • Memory Leaks and Solutions

6.2. Smart Pointers

  • unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr
  • Using Smart Pointers and Their Advantages

7. Templates

7.1. Function Templates

  • Defining and Using Function Templates

7.2. Class Templates

  • Working with Class Templates

8. File Handling

8.1. Opening and Closing Files

  • Using ifstream, ofstream, fstream

8.2. Reading and Writing Files

  • Text and Binary Files

9. Advanced Topics

9.1. Exception Handling

  • try, catch, throw: Error handling and management.

9.2. Multithreading

  • Using std::thread
  • Synchronization: mutex, lock

9.3. Standard Template Library (STL)

  • Vectors (std::vector)
  • Lists (std::list)
  • Sets (std::set)
  • Maps (std::map)

10. Projects with C++

10.1. Simple Project Examples

  • Todo List Application
  • Simple Calculator

10.2. Advanced Projects

  • Database Connectivity
  • Comprehensive Game Project

11. Resources and Further Reading

11.1. C++ Documentation and Guides

11.2. Community and Forums

  • Stack Overflow: Questions and answers.
  • Reddit’s C++ Community: Discussions and resource sharing.

This guide provides a comprehensive roadmap for learning C++, covering both fundamental and advanced topics to help learners progress effectively in mastering the language.

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